Phillip Melton

Phillip Melton
Phillip Melton is an electrical engineer who is the team lead for the ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) Technical Agents at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD). He has over six years of professional electrical engineering experience and is responsible for testing, evaluating and analyzing weapons and weapon systems for the US Navy and United States Marine Corps (USMC). He is also an Organization Effectiveness (OE) Warrant Officer for NSWC-IHD to support professional coaching, team-building and encouraging
diversity, equity, inclusion and cultural awareness. Melton grew up in Washington, DC and at age 10, moved to Hughesville, MD. He currently
lives in Callaway. MD with his wife and two sons. His BS in Electrical Engineering was earned at the University of North Carolina
Charlotte (UNCC), where he met his wife, Stephanie Melton. Phillip was actively involved on his college campus, volunteering through the
National Society of Black Engineers and Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural Fraternity Inc. He now volunteers through his church and the
University System of Maryland – Southern Maryland Board of Advisors (USMSM BoA) to serve the tri-county Southern Maryland community. In his free time, he enjoys videogames and fitness activities, but he spends most of his time with his two sons Julian and James and his wife Stephanie.